Nytt hot mot en palestinsk stat.

USA fortsätter att straffa palestinierna  för att de vänt sig till FN. Först ut var kongressen som tillfälligt drog in bistånd som bl a går till utbildning och sjukvård.

Nu höjer H Clinton tonen och hotar Unesco som ställt sig positiva till palestiniernas ansökan om medlemsskap i FN.

Unesco bör tänka sig för innan de röstar in Palestina som medlem. Det kan tvinga USA att dra in sitt stöd till FN:s kulturorgan, varnar USA:s utrikesminister Hillary Clinton. (AB)

Unesco gör tillsammans med Unwra (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency )  en fantastisk insats för s utbildningen av palestinier i olika flyktingläger och i Gaza.  Dras stödet från USA in kommer verksamheten att påverkas negativt.

Israels bombningar av Gaza i december 2009 och januari 2010 slog hårt mot skolväsendet. I en rapport visar Unesco  på allvarliga psykosociala problem i skolor i Gaza efter Israels bombningar av området.

Nervousness, sadness, stress, fear of attack, inability to concentrate and poor academic results are just some of the issues facing learners and teachers in the Gaza Strip (occupied Palestinian territory). A recent UNESCO assessment shows that the education system is under immense strain as a result of recent military operations and the ongoing blockade.

Almost 83% of learners reported feeling nervous; 57% of them did not feel safe at school, 67% felt unsafe traveling to and from school and over 70% had nightmares and feared another war. Learning outcomes also suffered:  almost 77 % of teachers at primary, preparatory and secondary levels reported lower performance levels in their students “most of the time” or “always”. One-quarter of university students surveyed reported feeling little hope in the future. “Before the war, only one or two students out of 100 in my classes would fail,” said one university professor. “Now more than 12 out of 100 students fail.”

The bombarding of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army between December 2008 and January 2009 caused the death of 250 students and 15 teachers, some in schools of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Eighteen schools were destroyed and 262 were damaged. One year after the attacks, damaged schools had not been repaired, as the blockade hampered reconstruction efforts.

Relaterat i media: AB1, Svd123, Ex1,

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